

09 April 2008

First Step

Welcome to my blog on all things random. I am new to blogging and therefore, it is with great trepidation that I set out to start one. Now that I have got one, I need to figure out what to do with it. Here, I shall present my pennyworth of opinions on books, movies, music, and anything and everything that interests me at the moment. Diversions in the form of freestyle articles I wrote/will write will appear as and when I feel the need to spout.

Please feel free to tune in and leave your comments - I would like to make this as interactive as possible.


  1. Having got over the initial inertia, apprehension or trepidation (call it what you want) of opening a blogsite (a legal word?), I am sure ideas will come rushing forth....

    Good luck!

  2. Having got over the initial inertia, apprehension or trepidation (call it what you want) of opening a blogsite (a legal word?), I am sure ideas will come rushing forth....

    Good luck!
