

04 June 2010

I want no pledges of undying love

I believed in pixies, magic
and true love,
I cried over love stories,
And believed in happily-ever-afters

Love was indeed a many-splendoured thing
so full of laughter, and tears, and happiness
so joined-at-the-hip, hours of togetherness
reading books together, pausing to kiss
arguing amicably, passionately
watching a movie,
murmuring 'I love you' for no reason whatsoever

I am wise in the ways of the world
and struggle to find meaning
in empty words and promises

I want no pledges of undying love,
no sweet nothings whispered in my ears
no trinkets to delight me
or promises of eternal togetherness
Just shared laughter, camaraderie
And suffice it that I am missed sometimes
and told that. Oh, just because...

But oh, why does it ache so
when what I need is so little

That begs the question
How little is 'so little'?
and when does that become
'too much' to give?

Does my being right
automatically make you wrong,
or vice-versa?
Is there a right and wrong?
Is life just black and white
with no shades of grey
or no colours at all?

© Anuradha Warrier 


  1. Hey, linked your blod to my feeds only yesterday, and today, I find more of your writing :)

    I really liked your poem. Your prose was so poetic that I should have known your poetry would resonate too. Do you write from experience? I cannot fathom such pain as that I read in your writing.

    Wishing you the best.


  2. Simply lovely.
    Achingly lovely.

  3. Ruhi, I didn't get back to this blog until recently. Thanks for linking my blog. I usually do not talk about it to people, so obviously, there really has been no traffic. Ironical though it seems, it has been like a lifesaver for me rather than me writing for public perusal. So it is nice when people wander in without meaning to. :)

  4. Yves, thank you so much for reading my blog, and leaving my comments. I am glad my writing resonates with you.

  5. Ruhi, I didn't get back to this blog until recently. Thanks for linking my blog. I usually do not talk about it to people, so obviously, there really has been no traffic. Ironical though it seems, it has been like a lifesaver for me rather than me writing for public perusal. So it is nice when people wander in without meaning to. :)

  6. Wow. Just wow! Just how much pain did you go through, Anu? I cannot imagine anyone writing this without having gone through the experience! Yves (above) is right. Achingly lovely indeed!

  7. Thanks. Why is it so hard to understand how little it takes to make someone happy, no?
