

11 February 2013

A Winter Wonderland?

Sure. If you were sitting inside, all cozy and warm, a hot cup of coffee (or beverage of choice) in hand, munching on a spicy, freshly-made samosa. What would have made it even better was Shammi Kapoor throwing himself down the slopes in an exuberant frenzy, yelling Yahooo! and a beautiful Saira Banu laughingly throwing snowballs at him. 

We had more than 27 inches of snow in less than 24 hours this weekend, and the wind had piled the snow into drifts that were nearly 4ft in places. So when one has to go out and dig all that snow so one can actually go out? Umm, not so much of a wonderland, I'm afraid. Ever thought how something so light and fluffy can weigh a tonne when one has been shovelling it for three hours?  That is how long it took me to shovel the steps while my husband took as long a time to clear our driveway using the snow blower. I must confess that he had the harder time of it - trying to come up our mini-ski-slope of a driveway pushing the heavy snow blower up is not a joke. Especially when our son is imitating Shammi Kapoor right next to its wicked blades, or when my husband slips on the treacherous ice underfoot as he makes his way back up - and then repeats the whole procedure again, and again.

One person had a lot of fun, though - my son. He swam across the snow; he sledded on our driveway; he sank in the snowdrifts that were taller than him. We sweated it out and cursed, and I'll be glad never to see another snowflake. Ever. Have a look at some photographs snapped from our house, front and back.


  1. Come here for some samosa chaat from the Bikaneri Bhojanalaya next door!  Good luck with the rest of the white stuff as it sits there, trying to melt.

  2. Oh, those photos remind me of our years in Srinagar. Just looking at them makes me go "brrrr!" Much warmer here in Delhi...

  3. You're evil! Making my mouth water like that! And you're still in India, are you? Stay there until July, and I'll meet you there. :)

    No luck with the white stuff; just heard we were getting another storm on Wednesday. Hopefully, it won't be as bad. There is no place to put it!

  4.  I'm going 'brrrr!' here inside the house.

  5. For souls like us living in in the midst of all the chaos in Delhi, this looks nothing less than a fairyland (despite how taxing it would have been for you!)

  6. *grin* I probably would have said the same thing if I was watching it on TV; or as I said, sitting inside, all snug and warm, while someone else did the heavy lifting. As it happens, 'fairyland' is the last thing I thought of! :)

  7. To us +8 degrees Celcius is 'freezing cold'! So even looking at this pictures, a chill paasses through the spine.
    But, we must credit out filmwallas to who could merrily sing (warm) melodies in such (cold) situations......

  8. Let's restrict the credit to our saree-clad (with a backless blouse) heroines!

  9. :) True. The heroes are always well-sweatered and coated and covered with shawls and mufflers and caps. 

  10. Ashokji, we were well below freezing at the point, and the 40mph winds did nothing to make us feel any better. Our filmwalas sang their songs in the hot Bombay studios, and as Rohit points out, it's only the heroines who deserve our respect. Our heroes took care to be fully covered.  :)

  11. I love winter and I love snow! Maybe because I don't have to shovel snow!
    Lovely pics!
    You should post the summer ones as well so we know how it looks without snow!
    BTW the icy steps look like an invitation to get a broken hip. Be careful!
    Thanks for sharing your winter with us!

  12.  Harvey, I loved winter and I loved snow as well - until I actually had to shovel the damn thing. :) As for the icy steps, you should try walking up our driveway sometime - there's not been a single winter when we haven't fallen at least twice.

  13. I feel oddly guilty.  You and Memsaab have been slammed with snow this winter (with more coming, I hear) while we've barely seen a snowflake in DC.  Perhaps if you cavorted in the snow and sang "chahe koi mujhe junglee kahe" you'd feel better?  No?  Didn't think so.:-)  Stay warm and safe.

  14. We are going to get some tonight, then some Saturday night. I hope it is not as much as this past blizzard. I haven't written to memsaab yet; I hope she and the dogs are fine. At least, she gets to sit inside and enjoy the snow. No digging required. Lucky female! :))

    No, somehow I don't think I feel much like cavorting; seven years of having to dig through piles and piles of snow has cured of any liking for the damn thing.

    Thanks for the wishes. (I can send you some snow if you so wish!)

  15. Here I am sweating in Trivandrum, and I hardly dare say it, oooh for a little ice and snow, at least some rain. Anyway hope you don't have to do anymore shovelling this year.

  16. Apparently it's been pouring the heavens in Trichur last night. Totally unseasonal, that sort of a thunderstorm. We just had four and a half inches of snow here yesterday, so I guess no one heard your prayers. :(

  17. No, someone heard my prayers. At least it's rained here since early this morning and yes, you've just had three inches of snow, a mere trifle. Not quite so hot now.

  18.  'Mere trifle'? Woman! You should come here and shovel that 'mere trifle'! Yes, compared to the 27 inches previously, I guess you could call it that.
