

30 March 2013

A Labour of Love

At the beginning of this month, with the help of Ingrid Van Shipley, I wrote a post on her father, Van Shipley, a musician who has enthralled millions with his virtuosity on the guitar and violin.  I also mentioned how I had so much more material than could possibly fit into a post - photographs, his music, his scrapbook filled with newspaper clippings... Instead of writing a series of posts, I decided to help Ingrid launch her father's website - it was his dream. Even though it is still a work in progress, the website, The Man With The Golden Guitar has gone officially live today, dedicated to the man for whom music was life.

Please do visit the site and let us know how we can make it better.


  1. Wow, that's all I can say. I went over to the site, and there's so much there to savour. Thanks to Ingrid and you, for all the hard work.

  2. Thank you, Banno. I'm glad you liked what you saw over there. It's worth it. :)

  3. Madhulika Liddle31 March 2013 at 02:29

    Thank you for this, Anu - and a very special thanks to Ingrid, too. I had a look, and it's such a nice little site. Will send the link to my father; I'm sure he'll appreciate it. :-)

  4. A dedicated web site to Van Shipley is not only a fitting tribute to his work; it is also going to be an excellent source for locating his works and information about him for his fans and researchers. Moreover for the future generation, it is going to a
    treasure that would have other might have been buried as fossils under the
    ruthless warp of time.

    Thanks, on my own and behalf all those who love the world of Hindi Film Music.

  5. Thank you for this Anu, and of course thank you to Ingrid for this wonderful sourse of not only Van Shipley, but also of songs connected with him. I'm looking forward to listening to them on the play list at the site :-)

    Wonderful tribute.

  6. A very good site Anu. I was planning to do something similar for my father but later got tempted into going the typical blog way because I had so much to share. What I like about this site is that it is quite classy not overdone. I have noticed some people just go overboard with their websites. Keep up the good work Anu.

  7. Thanks, Madhu. Let me know how your father likes it.

  8. That is what I want it to be, Ashokji. Ingrid said she's found many more of her father's albums; as soon as I get them, I shall upload them too. She's also written to friends and family for anything they might have - photos, letters,stories; I'll update it as and when we get them.

  9. Thank you, pacifist; I hope you like the songs. More is to come, of course.

  10. Thank you so much for the appreciation, Shilpi. It means a lot.
