The Malayalam film industry is facing a moment of reckoning. The release of the Hema Commission Report has sent shock waves through the nation, but as a Malayali, 'shock' is not the emotion I am feeling. Nor is it surprise at how many skeletons are tumbling out of the closet. Because, for years, nay, decades, I, like several others, have known the truth. Women are blatantly exploited; pay parity is a joke; workplace safety is non-existent; there is a power structure that no one may question, let alone call out.
Nothing in the Hema Commission Report is 'new'.
What is new (and news) however, is that, for the first time, it has been set out in black and white. It is the findings of an independent commission, not just 'she said, he said'. Powerful (male) voices can no longer dismiss women artistes, technicians, and junior artistes' allegations as 'These things happen."